Suggestions: Ways to fix very dry hands, knees, elbows and faces
• Wash the affected skin areas carefully, preferably with Island Trend’s Tamanu Oil Soap, rinse in lukewarm water and pat dry.
• Apply a small amount of Island Trend’s Dry Skin Butter, massage the butter into the effected dry skin areas. Repeat once or twice daily until you see how moist and healthy your formerly dry skin now looks.
Keep in mind too, that Island Trend’s Dry Skin Butter contains two unique ingredients, Tamanu and Buriti oils–both are proven to be highly beneficial skin-care aids that can help convert old, dry skin to healthier, more attractive skin.
Ways to fix very dry feet
• A tool like this personal exfoliating stone file, will help you remove old, dead and flaky skin from your soles, heels and toes. The concave surface of the file helps remove dead skin on rounded portions of heels and toes. Don’t overdo using the file (you should not feel any pain during its use), but concentrate on the obviously old, dry skin surfaces, making smooth passes, while exerting light pressure on the file. Dry skin will fall like white dust from the file.
Collect the dry skin flakes on a paper towel and then dispose of the towel. You may be surprised at the amount of dry skin you have removed.
• After the filing process is complete, wash your feet, thus removing any remaining flakes of dry skin A handy bath tub is fine. Wash your feet carefully in warm water, preferably with Island Trend’s Tamanu Oil Soap, rinse with lukewarm water and towel dry your feet.
• Take a small amount of Island Trend’s Dry Skin Butter from the jar and massage it into your feet (use both hands).
• Repeat the process as often as needed. You will soon see a noticeable improvement in the appearance of the skin of your feet. Your skin will be softer and more attractive too. So will your hands you used to massage the butter into your feet. You will get a double, moister skin benefit for both your hands and feet.
You may not have to file off old dry skin after the first one or two filings, but be sure to wash your feet often, then apply our Dry Skin Butter to help make your feet look and feel like new.
If this is too much bending over for older folks, have your significant other do it all for you and then return the favor. It is a nice expression of appreciation for one another.
Note: Some people suffer from severely dry, deeply cracked skin so serious that localized bleeding may occur in both feet and hands. Infections can result. Such people are sure to benefit from the tamanu oil in the butter. The oil is known to be highly efficacious in the care of painfully cracked skin. In the worst cases, massage a few drops of Island Trend’s 100% Pure Tamanu Oil on the cracks.
Paul’s Notes about Skin-Care Aids
I have known about Tamanu oil, studied it in detail, watched Tamanu trees grow, flower and bear fruit and learned of the harvest and processing of the kernel from which the oil is cold-pressed. All of this while we lived in Hawaii where the Kamani tree (their name for tamanu tree), grew in many areas of Oahu. Later I became an avid user and marketer of the oil and have found unique ways to use the product for nearly 15 years.
Tamanu is anything but new to Polynesians. They were the discoverers of the tree and the many benefits of the oil, protecting the trees as an extremely valuable aids for healthy skin-care. Just imagine, it has been known and used by Polynesians for over 2000 years!
When the French took over Tahiti in 1850, they soon learned of many natural plants that were known to the natives as sacred healing plants they used to treat many maladies. Among them was Tamanu Oil. French scientists studied the oil for years and many French cosmetics makers included it in their cosmetics. Strangely, however, word of the oil’s benefits were very slow to reach US shores.
Before our Hawaiian adventure, however, my son introduced me to the oil that he had obtained from a friend from Tahiti. I had complained to my son about my serious case of rosacea, a skin disease for which I tried many prescription drugs, creams and lotions–all to no avail. Although I had the oil in the medicine cabinet for months, I did not believe it would help my rosacea and didn’t try it right away. Not smart.
Rosacea turned my face red, my nose was swollen and I had painful postules on my face and inside my nose. My dermatologist explained that the disease is incurable and he admitted that expensive palliative drugs etc. may or may not work. For me, they did not.
The gift of the small bottle of Tamanu Oil turned out to be truly miraculous for me. I finally remembered the bottle of oil and used a few drops on my face for five days and began to see immediate improvements. The postules dried up, my nose lost its swelling and my red face turned a natural color after years with a bright red complexion that most people thought was a bad sunburn. Since that delayed, but positive start, my wife and I have successfully used the oil for garden scratches, small wounds, burns, including sunburn, acne, dry skin, rashes, insect bites, healthy scar formation, muscle pain and even for cold sores. It works every time we use it.
I was so pleased with the oil, I began to tell people about its amazing ability to overcome my rosacea. I even told my dermatologist who laughed at the idea that a natural oil would be of any help at all. He told me I must be mistaken about my results, although my “new” face had to tell him something.
In 1995, I decided to enter the natural food/juice supplement market with my son and our initial efforts were directed to marketing Polynesian products on our web sites and through personal sales efforts. It was a success, but I remembered my experience with Tamanu Oil and we decided to buy and market Tamanu Oil from a Tahitian supplier. 100% pure Tamanu Oil became one of our best selling products in our product mix.
It was not until we learned that a Tahitian company was making and selling a lye-based tamanu oil soap, that we adopted the idea of making soap ourselves, but using more natural, vegetal-based clear glycerin soap base. Soon we learned to make and sold our own brand of soaps to other companies through whose web sites we sold the new soap products. Everyone who tried the soaps loved them. Re-orders were commonplace.
With our new web site now in operation, we are off and running with six natural, 90% organic products, all crafted with care and all contain highly effective skin-care components that make the products unique in the marketplace:
Wonderful Noni/Acai Soap
Wonderful Tamanu Oil Soap
Wonderful Tamanu Oil Lotion
Wonderful Tamanu Oil Lip Moisturizer
Wonderful Tamanu Oil Dry Skin Butter
Wonderful 100% Pure Tamanu Oil
Disclaimer: No statements or information on this web site have been evaluated by the FDA. No products on this web site are intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Persons with allergies to nuts of any kind should not use products containing Tamanu Oil.